Store Locator
Where can I buy Moodlight Candle Co. candles in-store?
You can find our candles at select retail locations. Use the store locator map above to search for a store near you and experience the Moodlight Candle Co. collection in person.
Do you have Moodlight Candle Co. stores in my state?
Our candles are available at select retailers nationwide. Enter your address, city, or zip code in the search bar above to see if there are stores carrying Moodlight Candle Co. products near you.
How often is the store locator updated?
We update our store locator regularly to ensure it reflects our most recent partnerships and retail locations. If you don’t see a location near you, check back soon or shop with us directly online!
Can I buy Moodlight Candle Co. products internationally?
Currently, we only ship within the United States and do not have international retail locations. We look forward to expanding in the future, so stay tuned!
What should I do if there are no retailers near me?
If there are no retail locations nearby, don’t worry! You can always shop directly from our website. We offer shipping across the U.S., so you can enjoy Moodlight Candle Co. products no matter where you are.
How do I become a retailer for Moodlight Candle Co. products?
We’re always looking to partner with new stores! If you’re interested in carrying our candles, please reach out to us via our Wholesale page or contact for more information.